A long project of audiovisual collections of the twenty thermal territories of Centro Region is approaching its conclusion. Within two months, 400 audiovisual records will be available, cataloged and archived in the Villages of Knowledge Digital Archive, one that Binaural Nodar has been developing since 2020.

We thank the support of the Termas Centro team, the municipal teams, the managers and thermal employees, the hoteliers, the population and the spa visitors, in so many wonderful places in the Portuguese Centro Region that deserve a visit, a stay and/or the practice of therapeutic relaxation.

Technical team:
Concept and design of the digital archive: Luís Costa
Methodological support and prototype design: Ana Rodríguez
Fieldwork, editing, cataloguing, archiving and texts: Nely Ferreira, Andreia Mota, Josefina Fuentes and Luís Correia

Villages of Knowledge Digital Archive: https://termascentro-aldeiasdoconhecimento.org/