The stories of emigration
Sound and Oral Expression Workshop
Saturday, June 17th at 14h30
Museu do Linho de Várzea de Calde (Viseu)

Binaural Nodar will direct a sound and oral expression workshop ‘Ouço, Lembro, Sinto’ (“I hear, I remember, I feel”) for children and young people, which will propose expressions related to the stories of emigration reflected in the exhibition ‘Ecos da Ida e do Retorno’ (“Echoes of leaving and returning”), shown at the Museu do Linho de Várzea, which includes works by Luís Costa, Liliana Silva, Ana Rodríguez, Niccoló Masini, André Araújo and Rafael Bresciani.

The workshop will be directed by Luis Gomes da Costa and is based on a heritage pedagogical methodology developed by Binaural Nodar in 2018 entitled ‘We are all memory’, which promotes an active attitude by children and young people in remembering and expressing aspects of their own personal, family and community memory.

This workshop is co-supported by the Municipality of Viseu

Binaural Nodar is a cultural entity supported by the Portuguese Government – Culture | General-Directorate for the Arts.