
“A walk in the Vouga in three movements” is a sound composition by Sebastien Dingens that deals with the individual perception of the sounds of a certain natural context, becoming, through unlikely associations, in a unique and unrepeatable composition through there configuration of ambient sounds, in the case of the banks of the Vouga river in the municipalities of Vouzela and Oliveira de Frades. The composition is divided into three movements as each one was associated with an image that served as a “visual score” for the sound flow of the work. Sebastian Dingens was hosted in 2016 in the context of Vougascapes artist residency cycle, fully dedicated to artist interventions around the landscape and communities of the Vouga river in central Portugal.

After studying classical music and sciences of communication in the University of Leuven (Belgium) Sebastien Dingens took an interest on the emotional functions and sound narratives in historical, environmental and musical contexts. He became a member of the Megaphone Ensemble, a choir of megaphones that uses abandoned buildings, train stations and other public spaces to deal with the architectural qualities of spaces.