Black clay figurative workshops
September 15, 2023
Castro Daire School Group

As part of the Territorial Intervention Laboratory “Catching Time: Encounters of Black Clay”, the “Black Clay Figuration Workshops” were held with the participation of students from the Castro Daire School Group.

The Territorial Intervention Laboratories (LIT) are proposals for boosting the places of craft practices through encounters, co-creation and interdisciplinarity; for integrating craft production into the commercial promotion of cultural heritage; and for finding ways to enable access to craft products and services in a contextualized, informed and creative way.

The Encontros do Barro Negro de Castro Daire (Castro Daire Black Clay Meetings) are a forum for reflection, sharing and practice, relating to a specific example of the handicraft production of utilitarian and figurative pieces in pottery, with its epicenter in the village of Ribolhos. This initiative is co-organized by the Saber Fazer Programme together with Binaural Nodar, the Municipality of Castro Daire, the Mamouros, Alva and Ribolhos UF, the Castro Daire School Group and the National Arts Plan.

Full program for the September 22 conference, here:

Binaural Nodar is a professional organization supported by the Portuguese Government – Culture | Directorate-General for the Arts.